Results from 1994 - 2006     

Claimed Score - Final Result (Award Received)

NB! HP (High Power) unless otherwise noted.

Date (yymmdd)

Contest Call Band Mode




060128 CQ160 7S2E 1.8 MHz CW 302 45 65 868
060218 ARRL 7S2E AB CW 1 555 176 821 040  No 1 SM ms
060527 CQWPX CW 7S2E AB CW 2 977 988 5 585 019 Multi Single
060916 SAC 7S2E AB CW 912 123 251 235
060923 SAC 7S2E AB SSB 1 534 173 624 011 Multi Single
061007 Oceania SSB 7S2E AB SSB 128 33  7 887
061014 Oceania CW 7S2E AB CW 13 13 481  
061029 CQWW SSB 7S2E AB SSB 2062 513 1 624 671 Multi Single
061125 CQWW CW 7S2E 7 MHz CW 364 126 69 552 LP assisted

Operators in ARRL Multi Single were SM2DMU Rainer and SM2LIY Per.

Operators in SAC SSB were SM2DMU, SM2LIY,  SM2YIZ, Kurt and SM3VAC Magnus.

Operators in CQWW were SM2DMU, SM2LIY and SM2YIZ.